


New artist photo and logo.


Happy New Year!

From this year, amanetril will be a solo unit of Masahiro, and will be active under a new structure.
We are pleased to announce that Amanetril has a new artist photo and logo.

In addition, we have received a comment from writer Yoshidome on amanetril’s new start.
Please read it.

We look forward to your continued support.

New Year’s Day, 2023


▽From Yoshidome, writer

 Masahiro is a person who loves music and conveys his pride in having chosen it as his profession through the music he plays. At the same time, however, he is the type of person who has an unknown amount of dynamism that is not formed solely by music, as he was quite serious about playing tennis as a student.
Amanetril was formed in 2018, and through their high quality songwriting, and their powerful live performances, including a collaboration with Shigeru Suzuki, a former member of Happi Nippon in 2019, they have steadily built a reputation as an “ongoing pop unit”. The group has been gaining a solid reputation as an “ongoing pop unit”. It seems that Masahiro’s calm yet earnest passionate personality has been accepted by many music fans. 
 In 2023, amanetril will be relaunched as Masahiro’s solo unit, as announced earlier this year, but it is clear that the evolution has shifted to a more music-focused process, based on the many collaborations that have taken place in recent years. We cannot wait to see how Masahiro’s new masterpiece, which will be released in the future, will change the Japanese pop scene.